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Friday Playlist

This is one of my favorite music videos of all time. I know the song is past its prime in terms of general popularity, but to me, it's one for the ages. I first heard it as a high school senior and thus began my love affair with Regina Spektor. There are many other favorite songs of hers that I love dearly, but this was the first. After hearing it on Veronica Mars this week (which I can't stop watching to save my life) I couldn't help but feel nostalgic for the days of American Eagle Outfitters jeans and Lucky Brand hoodies. Ah, high school. I spent many a morning listening to Regina on the bus on my walkman. Until I got a car and then it was my very own CD player. I do miss those days, some would say happier times. At the very least, life was a little more simple in high school and as with "Fidelity," simple isn't always a bad thing. 

Have a good weekend! Here's to a hopeful Spring and fond high school memories. 

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